Winter is in full swing, and with it comes cold, dry air and harsh sunlight which can wreak havoc on your skin.
As any dermatologist will tell you, winter is particularly harsh on most people’s skin and can cause damage that will stay until the summer months. However, it’s definitely not the end of the world, and even though winter is here, your skin doesn’t have to look or feel as though it spent a season in Westeros.
We’ve put together some of the easiest and best ways to take care of your skin this winter, and to make sure you maintain that glow like J.Lo all year round.
Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise
Everyone knows that keeping your skin adequately moisturised is super important, no matter the season. This is even more the case in winter, when the cold, dry air can leave your skin feeling dry, tight and all-round gloomy.
To prevent your skin from becoming dry and dull in winter, double up on your moisturising routine.
Invest in a good day cream with SPF and a thicker night cream. This will allow your skin to create a barrier against the harsh air, and maximise the moisture being restored.
If you a prone to dry skin all-year round, investing in a moisturizing spritz is not a bad idea. This way you can quickly add extra moisture to your face throughout the day.
SPF is King
Just because it’s winter and you don’t feel the sun as much, doesn’t mean it’s not there! It is, and it can even be harsher on your skin than in the summertime.
It is highly recommended to wear an SPF of 30 and above daily, whether you’re going to be spending a lot of time sun or not. The same rule applies for winter.
Apply SPF after moisturising and before you apply foundation. Even if your day cream contains SPF, you can still add some more of your own – you can never wear too much SPF!
We know, it’s hard to get yourself out of bed or out of the comfort of you home in the colder months, but making the trip down to your local spa for a full facial will be well worth the effort!
A gentle exfoliation will help the circulation in your face, which can already be halted with the colder weather. The added moisture of a facial will also only do your skin good and certainly bring out the glow!
Try and schedule a full facial every 6 – 8 weeks to keep your winter-skin in tip top shape.
(p.s Mint Wellness is currently running a special on their amazing Thalgo Hydrating Facial for the month of July!)
Rinse With Lukewarm Water
Rinsing your skin with icy cold or piping hot water can really strip your skin of several oils that help to keep it supple and soft. And as we already know that winter is all about keeping your skin hydrated, you should rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
Whether you’re simply washing your face or in the shower, try to bear the (kind of) cold and opt for the lukewarm option – your skin will thank you!
Mask It Up
Much can be said for masks. There are thousands of masks on the market, but sometimes the best and most nutrient-rich masks are homemade with natural ingredients.
The key with masks in winter is making (or buying) masks that hydrate your skin, while improving circulation to add colour and glow to dull skin.
One of our favourite homemade, hydrating masks combines coconut oil, honey and rolled oats. The coconut oil adds much needed moisture to the face, while honey acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and the rolled oats will give you that little bit of gentle exfoliation you need.
If you’re looking to invest in a mask, however, the best solution would be to discuss your skin and its unique needs with your spa therapist – they’ll be able to point you in the right direction and tell you which products are worth investing in!